How to adapt to Dutch culture as a refugee_

My name is Ruth de Wit. I started out as a nurse in psychiatrics when I finished education at the HBO-V. I had strong beliefs and ideas about how to help vulnerable people and make a difference and supporting challenging patients who are vulnerable in our Dutch society. My work at the GGD has giving me the opportunity to work with refugees with different backgrounds from all over the world.

By gaining peoples trust, people are telling me stories about their lives and how they managed to flee to the Netherlands. By understanding what they have been through, I can help my patients in the process of adapting to and trusting the world in which they now live.  It enriches my life and work in so many ways. I like to share these experiences with you and discuss the communication techniques I use. So have your questions ready and I will see you.


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  • Internationalisering
  • Verpleegkunde